A new round of volunteers currently training to become doulas?
7th November 2022
Here are 8 new trainees learning ‘active birthing positions
There is good evidence that doula support improves the experience and birthing outcomes for both the woman or birthing person and the baby.
During Labour, doulas offer help and suggestions on comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, movement, and positioning.
Moving around, staying upright, and changing positions can:
ease the pain
help you cope
make you feel in control of your labour
increase your chances of a shorter labour
push the baby downwards
help you find the best position for giving birth.
Could you be a doula and offer antenatal birth and postnatal support? Call us now to register for the next cohort starting in January 2023
Reducing inequalities in communities
6th June 2022
GP Dr Bola Owolabi, MRCGP MSc HonMFPH is leading the NHS’ mission to reduce inequality in healthcare has praised Bradford’s services for homeless residents and vulnerable women.
They support women 6 weeks before the birth, during Labour and 6 weeks after.
They offer unique support no other voluntary service offers in Bradford;
Doulas are present at a woman’s birth to support her through this amazing important time in her life, supporting her choices & helping her to achieve the best possible birth for her.
Are you interested in supporting women?
Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life?