Our Governance
Action for Community Ltd is a charitable company limited by guarantee and was set up on 3rd June 2009.
The company is administered by a non-executive Board of Trustees, with the day to day operations
being managed by its Chief Executive. The Board meets quarterly to review the financial and strategic
direction of the charity.
Our Directors
Roland Clark PhD (hc), BA (Hons), FCA, DipChA
Roland is financial auditor who has over 25 years of experience acting on behalf of many charities, as well as a local and regional businesses. He is Fellow of the Institute Of Chartered Accountants and as well as a holder of the Diploma of Charity Accounting.
He is also Chair of Bradford YMCA and Chair of Inn Churches, which includes the Storehouse which operates as distributer of food to various charity “pantries”. Roland is also a Board member of Bradford Diocese Academies Trust.
Roland has also been the Chair of Bradford Chamber of Commerce and Treasurer of Bradford University. He is also currently a director of L’Arche UK.
He is committed to working towards making Bradford a more prosperous and fair place for all its citizens.
Ruby is a practicing solicitor with over 27 years of experience in the legal field. She has over 25 years of governance experience and over two decades of experience in various non-executive directorships on different sectors.
She was previous chair of Manningham Housing Association and previous board member on Incommunities Group Board. She is currently Deputy Chair and Lay member for NHS Bradford District & Craven Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and board member
She is a National Leader of Governance ( NLG) for Yorkshire & Humber. She is a Non Executive Director for the Dixon Academies Trust; Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust and supports the Local Authority as a Chair for a maintained school.
Ruby Chair’s the Quality and Safety Patient’s Panel based at the Bradford Institute for Health and Research (BIHR); Panel member for The Improvement Academy for Yorkshire and the Humber and Public Reviewer for the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). She is Chair of the Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research and Board Member for the NIHR ARC Applied Research Collaboration Yorkshire and Humber.
She is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Bradford and sits as an Associate Hospital Manager for the Mental Health Department, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Ruby is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce ( FRSA) and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Ruby was awarded an OBE in New Year’s Honours 2019 for her services to young people and housing.
In November 2020 Ruby was awarded honorary doctorate from University of Bradford.
Hamayun Arshad
Hamayun Arshad is a local resident in Manningham and successfully runs his own Health and Safety Consultancy practice serving some of the most largest and established businesses across England.
Hamayun feels it is a great honour for him to serve as a Director and give back to the area that that has given him much in return.